Project Management


Project management | Quarta EVO QMS

Monitoring and progress of all phases of a project, assigning both deadlines and activities and collecting the related documents.

Il modulo permette il completo monitoraggio e avanzamento di tutte le fasi di un progetto, dell’assegnazione delle attività, delle deadline, delle milestone, del budget.

Identification of the resources involved in the activities, tracking of costs and the final balance of the order. Inspired by the PMI ® model, it is bi-directionally integrated with MS Project to support the most challenging contexts.


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Quarta EVO Project Management allows me to control the progress of the tasks assigned to my team at any time, while monitoring the performance of the entire project. It is also a valuable support for the centralization of documentation, which is available to all entities involved. Time schedule of response times and reporting of delays (Information Alerts, reminder alerts, progress tracking).